Poems & Songs

Just as the Psalms of David bring refreshment and restoration, poems, songs and writings may touch your heart.


During the summer of 2020 an initial group of contemporary poets who follow Almingty God, started collaborating to present a selection of their own work to inspire, elevate, and bring joy and challenge to each other, and potentially to a global audience, but primarily to glority Our Triune God and honour poets and songwriters with their words.

As you visit us you will see our numbers are modest. However, we always have our welcome mat out to you if you are a poet, songwriter or writer – see more in the ABOUT page and HOW TO JOIN US page.

You are the fuel, Our FOUNDER has the wings, we were told, before we took off on October 10, 2020,  ‘you will never come down’! So with faith we intend to glorify God and honour all poets, songwriters and writers who join us as we encourage them to be an inspiration for the Kingdom of God, as we engage a wide audience.

Each of you have and will haver has unlimited space to add your work, often with audio and with video where you have it and or relevant video links, including the individual pages of you work, that includes a bio, personal photo or image, and links to your personal website(s) and social media. We also have a PUBLISHED WORKS pageto showoff what you have published, with links to buy and learn more. We take no cut!

All Poets, Songwriters and Writers have a ‘Home Page’ that scroll on THIS page POETS & SONGS, displayed randomly that’s continuously changing. You may also use the Search icon on the top header.

Enjoy, when you arise each day, or anytime 24/7, AND refer us to a poet, songwriter or writer you love, Oh yes – bookmark this page and sign up for the Newsletter – signup at the foot of every page.

TIPS from our FOUNDER: don’t rush –  savour, make an appointment with yourself to come back, then anticipate, re-immerse, and savour again … repeat!

We also feature Inspiring Songwriters who are ‘outside’ those who have joined us, and Past Poet Reflections to honour works of those no longer living, and also Classic Hymns. From time to time we hold poem challenges which will be broadcast in the Newsletter.
ALL, do sign up for the Newsletter – sign up at the foot of any page or viaHome Page called: NEWSLETTER SIGN UP


(also Classic Hymns, Daily Devotions, Inspiring Songwriters, Past Poet Reflections and The Saviour’s Christmas each December. Youth and Adult Poem Challenges run occasionally)

United States of America
Donna Marie describes herself as a daughter of the King, a Princess Warrior. She has overcome many trails in her life with the help of Jesus Christ. She lives in the Inland Pacific Northwest in Washington, USA with her husband, her rescue calico cat and her rescue husky mix puppy dog. Donna enjoys walking her dog, hiking, cycling, reading, snow skiing, and camping. Of course, she loves writing (with her cat nearby) and reading poetry. Stay tuned for her next book of poetry coming out soon entitled; “I am the Poem”.
Daniel Van Leeuwen is an obscure individual who is desperately in love with Jesus. Born in Sydney, he is a dreamer who's primary aspiration is to die and be with his Creator. Daniel's flaws are many, but then again so are his passions.
United States of America
These Daily Devotions are a Red Thread Poets daily offering initiated and written by Marshall Jones as a devotional study of God's Word as a 'verse of the day'. Marshall's Bio and a sample of his poems can be seen on this website, also a link to his published book of poems, A Raven's Meal. The Daily Devotions are dated as seen each day on the Red Thread Poets Facebook page.
Northern Ireland
I’m a 74 year old retired engineer who lives in County Down N. Ireland. I’m now a widower since 2018. I have two children and three grandchildren who all live in the same area. My poetry experience started when I realised I had a knack for amusing rhyming verses regarding people in the office etc. I was then in demand for retirement poems and wedding receptions. I was raised in a Christian home and came to faith at a young age. Like a lot of young folk I was tempted by worldly things. Although during this time I never forgot my commitment and prayed for forgiveness and read my bible when I could. During my wife’s long illness I determined to commit myself fully once more and I started to attend church services again. I have recently attempted to try and write poems that could help others in their faith although I’m far from prolific. My style is still simplistic and generally rhyming.
United States of America
My name is Michelle King. I am a healing and deliverance minister, evangelist, teacher and preacher. I am a minister of freedom, healing, hope and truth. I live in Ohio. My desire is to set the captives at Liberty. I have been a minister since 2012 when God first called me to lead and train a bunch of military wives for battle. Now, He has entrusted me to train the Army Bride for spiritual war. For Michelle's Resources go to our Pursuit Of God page at this link: https://www.redthreadpoets.com/pursuit-of-god/#pub2
People call me creative. Although I'm not always sure exactly what this is and how they know this with declarative confidence I've come to accept this as part of the unique expression of the Godhead through me. What this means is that I get to do lots of fun things, like facilitate creative writing groups, art exhibitions and teach a range of art mediums. The core theme of all is the Unleashing of Creativity. Over the years I've seen Holy Spirit take people to places in creativity that facilitated liberty, restored and awakened their spirits to Him. I've come to understand that creativity is about revealing truth and am constantly challenged to extend the dimensions and modalities of awe and wonder towards the One who is Truth.
United States
Catalina Arocho may be only 10 years old, but this 5th grader has two things that she loves to do, first, draw pictures and second, talk about God & Jesus. She talks a lot about God and Jesus with her grandfather or pop pop as she calls him. And she loves to do this over a little table in her grandparents living room when she and her pop pop have coffee. That's correct, 10 years old and it's coffee and Jesus time with pop pop something she loves to do and the best part is, she actually makes the coffee. She has expressed a desire to draw a number of new pictures that are of all different crosses. So check back here to see any new drawings of Catalina's and soon you will be able to keep up with her work because her grandfather will be dedicating a page for her on his website. Pop Pop happens to be a member of Red Thread Poets, Doc Dalton. So Check Back and have nothing less than a Blessed Day.
Andrew White, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada. My Early years were pretty full of loss and sorrow. I was the youngest of four kids (2 Brothers & 1 Sister). I was Born in Woodstock Ontario in 1971. My parents moved us to B.C when I was about a year old, where Life just seemed to become a dark cloud! My father was soon incapacitated the first year that we were there due to a severe truck accident that left Him with severe brain damage and having to stay in nursing homes due to the severity and the fact that My Mother had her hands full with 4 kids already. This was the beginning of a long period of dark events that seemed to plague my life. It wasn't 6 years before Mother passed away of heart failure. Yea! There was me at the age of 7 without both of my parents and clueless as to how to deal with any of this emotional baggage. I just had to avoid feeling at all costs and found sources to do so. By the age of 14, I was a drug addicted alcoholic, trying everything under the sun that made me numb, or distracted the emotional pain. I made a few attempts at getting my life in order and tried to learn new ways of dealing with tragedy. But as I made attempts to clean up, something else tragic would happen. I Lost my 3 best friends by the time I became 27 years old. I went to Bible college and tried to learn about faith so that I would have JESUS to turn to but ended up leaving the church because I was bitter about something and left the faith because of this, ending up back to square one. The place I knew would take care of all these troubles. I became a Heroin addict and was on a journey through my own wilderness. Lost and alone. Never married because I couldn’t get too close in fear that I might just lose another close person in my life. I made 4 bastard children that grew up to dislike everything about me. I Just couldn't win for losing. My Siblings were getting tired of watching me die and pretty much had to sever all ties with me, so they didn't have to live their lives in fear of losing their little brother all the time. With all that being said, I will say that "everything happens for a reason!" And for those of us that Love THE LORD, it is for a good reason! I have HIV, but I have managed to keep it undetectable by the Grace of GOD! I am still not married but have built a friendship with my middle daughter. And I am blessed with a grandson now! Writing has now become the source for dealing with all those emotions and I try to abstain from drugs and alcohol for the most part. I am allowing THE LORD to do HIS work on my Life and prepare me for my future journey with HIM. I always knew I could write poetry so I guess I have been an aspiring writer all my life!
Short bio...."my name is Suzanne Newman and I live in The Midlands in England. I have always liked reading poetry, but only started writing it earnestly in 2018, when The Lord put it upon my heart. I find it cathartic and like to use poetry to share my struggles with the hope of encouraging others in a similar position. I suffer from clinical depression & anxiety & had cancer in 2015/16 & still battle with the effects of that treatment to this day."
United States of America
I was, well, I’ve always said it, a HEATHEN straight up and celebrated! I lied, stole, spat and laughed in the name of Christ, He was a joke to me, a myth, and all these stupid people were running around praising this “Jesus”, pathetic and laughable, (I thought). …… AND NOW … Needless to say I’m still attending the same Church to this day. My poetry has swung dramatically from dark, desolate, and evil, to almost completely God based, with better messages of faith, hope, and love. I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ on April 29th 2018. In the future, I intend to walk with Christ, constantly striving to be the best man I can to His pride. I vow to love the world and all in it and to treat it as such . . . with love. Most of all, I look forward to continuing to learn and bond with the Scriptures, God, Christ, and The Holy Spirit, and share what I discover in hopes of helping another such as myself to find Grace in Jesus Christ. AMEN. [from the Personal Testimony in “Inspired By …”]
United States of America
A sinner saved by grace. I live in Boise, Idaho, USA where I mow lawns, run a nonprofit, and write poetry.
All Countries
We don’t like pop-ups either! Sign up for the Newsletter (Monthly updates on Rescue and Ministry programs), and also receive: - - Complementary eBook(s) for Christmas - - Notification of Youth Poem Challenges with awards for 3 youth categories (under 5 years, 5-10 years, 10 to 15 years), See Open Youth Challenge - - Theme of the Month Challenge for Poets not on this website - - Announcements of New Poets Joining us - - Blog and YouTube posting updates - - Annual Report
Planet Earth
I am here you see To help you be A News-Letteree Quite easily
United States of America
Migs, from his birth name Miguel Griffeith, has had an unbelievable life like no one you would ever expect or believe. He was taken from his mother at birth and for about a year put in an orphanage and sent to an archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio. Then an adoptive father sold his Corvette for fifteen-thousand dollars to afford him and bring him into a family with an older sister Melissa Hagen. His sister inspired him to write Mysteries Revealed (see link). His mother, Eunice Herbert, is the only mother he ever really knew, and Thomas W. Hagen put him through the best parochial school money could buy. His daily curriculum in school was to study the Bible daily and get graded on it. From altar boy at six, to the US Army from 1986 to 1994, honorably discharged, turning down a scholarship to Princeton University in favour of Bible college at Dispensational Bible Institute and ordained in 2005. He has studied the Bible daily for over forty-five years. Migs has been rich and poor many times. He has been homeless in fifteen of the thirty cities he has lived in almost twenty states. What he learned is that all we need is TRUTH + LOVE = LIFE. Migs doesn’t play the victim card. He uses dove love! More faith, hope, and love through grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Isn’t that what any language, country, culture, history, ethnic group, race, or any religion, needs the most no matter what they believe in? Migs is currently navigating the correctional system in Illinois USA. Please pray for him. Migs' book: Mysteries revealed - see link: https://www.redthreadpoets.com/published-works/#pub11
We are passionate to add renowned songwriters to Red Thread Poets, who have ministered to us and inspired us. We hope they will join us in the future - in the meantime here is a taste of their love of Our Triune God, The Creator. And to you dear reader/listener if you are a songwriter, we would like to hear from you, perhaps you will join us in Glorifying God, and we can so honour you.
United States of America
The Depressed Poet comes from many years of suffering from Depression. While in the hospital for this a doctor suggested that I try my hand at poetry and that is where life changed for me. I wrote about things I never really thought of before like God, Jesus, Heaven and so on. I do not consider myself a great or good writer because, I am not. What I am is a man, who stumbles through his words, so he can make it through his days. I also host a podcast called, The Coffee and Prayer Series.
Jabongi Micheal was born in 1989 and grew up in a Kampala slum called Kamwokya in Uganda, a place where most of the children couldn't afford education and most of his age mates became law breakers and girls at an early age resorted to prostitution. He went on to study in a public school and completed high school but his parents couldn't afford to pay for him to go to university. In 2013, he was one of the founders of Oasis of Life Destiny Church in a slum called Namuwongo. In 2015 he did a Certificate in Bible teaching at Doers Of The Word Bible Institute. He got a degree at Gate Breakers Bible School and in 2021 went on to pastor at Global Evangelical Community Church. He has a passion for teaching writing but is challenged with the level of illiteracy in the community where he lives. A lot of parents can't afford to pay school fees for their children and more can't afford a meal a day. He strongly believes that in the near future he will help them go to school and start up orphanages and elderly homes. His passion for the Word has guided him to write scripts, plays and poems.
Michael Grgich Founder in 2015 of FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE, a Facebook Poetry Group, and Suzanne Newman also an ‘Admin’ in the group since 2017, have collaborated in joint projects for a number of years. The have jointly published “Inspired By…” a poetic journey through some of the main points of the Bible, and additional poetic works. Here is a sample. See Published Works on our Resources page for more about their first book “Inspired By…”. We understand there is a second book in the works called “Kindred Spirits”
United States of America
The writer has written sacred and secular verse for decades. He has been published in Prairie Messenger, Windhover, The Anglican Theological Review, Ancient Paths, The Christian Communicator, Time of Singing, The Christian Century, and others. He is a member of the Winston Salem Writers. He serves a life sentence, condemned to write verse. His Jesus Through A Poet’s Lens is now available via Kindle. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Peter+Carrington+Venable&ref=nb_sb_noss
United States of America
Inspiration is as essential as the air we breathe. What is Ernst like? I tend to live on the serious side of life. After all, my name means serious; maybe it has something to do with that. Who knows? However, if you ask my wife and our 3 children, they will tell you that I can be just as silly and goofy at times. I am a lover and disciple of Jesus Christ. I enjoy nature, gardening, photography, and lots of coffee. In fact, my favorite cup of coffee comes hot with cream, sprinkled with cinnamon, and no sugar. You should definitely give it a try. For more regarding my work, check out my website at www.thepoetrygallery.com
Marissa is a qualified graphic designer and illustrator with over 15 years full-time industry experience. Currently she runs her own freelance design business (www.marissameyer.com.au) and is also the creator and owner of Water & Word (www.waterandword.com.au), a biblically based company selling scripture-soaked and prophetically inspired surface tattoos for everyday living. Marissa also serves on staff at Field of Dreams Church in Adelaide Australia as the Creative Director and has a passion for seeing good design and creativity reflect the glory of the Lord in everyday life. In her spare time she loves to paint, write poetry and explore the outdoors with her husband. She is easy-going, dedicated and has a passion for the Lord, the creative industry and seeing people walk in the fullness of their destiny.
I am a Christian writer who uses the gifts and hard work of writing to express my faith and to share messages about God with others. Writing to me is about creating messages about my experiences and the life we have in our relationship with God. Writing poetry for me began in 2004, when I was looking for a poem to send out for Christmas and I could not find anything suitable. As a result, I began to write Prayers to Jesus Christ, which was my very first poem. Then I began to write poetry about life, love, time, family, special occasions and other topics like gardening. God then inspired me with a desire to write about an inexhaustible topic, Him - His love, forgiveness, mercy, power, and His daily help and presence in our lives! The context of my writing is not limited to poetry alone, but also short stories. The creativity of writing is a necessity to me, as it allows me to express my relationship with God and to share my faith with people in order that their lives can be touched and transformed in a special way as they read the messages I have written. I pray that through my writings that God will be honoured through all that I write and that those who read my poetry will be touched by the hope Jesus brings into our lives.
I have always enjoyed all things creative whether poetry, performance, or photography. I believe that every single person is creative, it is just a matter of discovering what you have always carried within you. I have recently completed a Bachelor of Performing Arts and English and Creative Writing at UniSA, with the hopes of undertaking a Masters of Teaching in the near future. In the past year, poetry has been my main focus and I have started a poetry page on Facebook and Instagram (I: @sophie_joy_trenholm; F: @sophiejoytrenholm). I am a world traveller. I was born in Canada, grew up in Upstate New York, USA, lived in the UK for four years, and am now residing in Australia. During my years at university, I was also blessed to be able to travel to South Africa, Malaysia, and India. I love discovering the richness of cultures and the beauty that exists around the world. Travel has truly shaped the way I live and become an inspiration to my creativity. I have a big heart to see God's love revealed through the sphere of art and creativity which holds a powerful influence in our day and age. My poems tend to be short reflections about life and spirituality which often turn into prayers. My hope is that through the simplicity of the poems I wish to share, that you would be inspired and encouraged to find greater beauty in this life and the life to come.
United States of America
Marshall Jones is a 42 year old man on a lifelong journey of bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. The author with Jessica Jones of THE PRODIGAL SON, Marshall's Biography includes his almost 21 years life sentence incarceration. THE PRODIGAL SON, just published January 2024, They married November 1, 2022. Marshall is also author of "A RAVEN'S MEAL" (RoseDog Books), a poetry collection, he aspires to target the grey areas and the people who are terribly misunderstood by society. Believing that everyone deserves a voice, he shares his testimony in his books and in their Red Granite Daily Devorionals (800 and counting). He also tries to use his gifting to share other people's experiences as well. Writing from the prison system that has now housed his body for almost 21 years, but also from the place that has been the catalyst to his freedom. As Jessica discovered in 2019, working as an employee in the Wisconsin correctional system, "Marshall lives more freely within the walls of that prison than any other person I’ve met in my life outside". Click on the YouTube Links below for these books and on the 'PUBLISHED WORKS' LINK FOR BOTH.
PAST POET REFLECTIONS are established to recognise the generations of giants and all poets and songwriters who have come before us - these are carefully selected by our Red Thread Poets, whom we acknowledge first above the poem or lyrics presented.
Born in Scotland, lived in England, undeservedly married to Veronica, living in Canada. We have three daughters with wonderful families. An accountant by training, but a career mostly in Canada in varied business environments. After revelation about Our Triune God's Covenant and then retiring in 2014, I started writing poetry to try to understand the source of my childhood confusion and struggles since. The Lord's constant encouragement and love keeps drawing me to express my appreciation.
Philos is friend of The Founder - the 2020 pre-launch daily countdown posts are shown here. The image is to depict our relationship with Marshall Jones, who sends Daily Devorions from Red Granite WI, USA, from his ongoing confinement for posting on Red Thread Posts Facebook page and in the Daily Devotion archives on this website.
Seven is my favourite number which holds many Scriptural resonances. So here are seven numerical snippets from my life: 1. I was born in 1967, in a village in Warwickshire, England, and grew up singing in the choir and bellringing in our village Anglican church. 2. I made a first true Christian commitment at age 14 through my school Christian Fellowship. 3. I studied Modern and Medieval Languages for 4 years at the University of Cambridge. 4. In 1993 I married Nick and we have 4 children. 5. I am English and have lived in France since 1999. I hold both British and French nationality and am bilingual. 6. 7 things close to my heart, in no particular order: Fair Trade commerce, cats, green tea, the ocean, Highland cattle, languages, and The Chosen series. 7. In July 2021 I created and began to lead a monthly online Christian poetry group, TRELLIS*, under the umbrella of the UK Association of Christian Writers. (*standing for Trust, Risk, Encouragement, Listening, Love, Inspiration, and Support) What a blessing now to join this inspirational Red Thread Poets group. Praying for the manifold blessings of the Spirit on us all, as we write our beautiful poems and songs full of heavenly inspiration and power.
On the sixth day, God created mankind in his own image, therefore, he created creators! I have been creating for my entire life. Like many small children, I used to create and live out my own fantasies in play (often quite constructive and ingenious). Creativity has filled every corner of my working life, firstly in engineering, then construction, before settling into charity development and youth work. As a youth worker, I used creativity every day, but especially in helping to shape and form the lives of young people. It reminds me that God is the Potter, and he moulds and forms us all, just like clay (Isaiah 64:8). Now, in my latter years, I have returned to the storytelling of my youth, and I love to use all the skills and tools I have gained on my journey of life. I have over 40 years of experience in business and charity development, mainly in in three areas, income generation, communication, and governance. Though I do still offer advice in these areas, my passion is in communication and to communicate creatively and artistically in as many ways possible, but especially in poetry. The Book of Psalms in Rhyme, is perhaps the most exciting writing project that I have every been involved in and it is scheduled to be published in August 31 2021. As I started listening to God and working on this project, I felt God saying to me, "Everything else that you have done before now, was in preparation for this". All 150 of the Psalms were written to be sung out loud and that really is the best way to read this book, out loud. This rhyming translation I have written is accurate and extremely easy to read. A sample of them is presented here.
Planet Earth
poiēma (poy’-ay-mah) ‘his workmanship’ see Ephesians 2:10KJV. Glorying in our creation and in The Creator, we are compelled sometimes to go beyond the poem, the songs, the lyrics and even the libretto, and honour the 'poet' and his workmanship. If you have something that fits “Poetic? YES” please let us know.
There are certain hymns that are not only important and inspiring; they also have a special place in our hearts, tied to special people, experiences or places in our walk of faith. At Red Thread Poets we choose to Glorify Our Creator every chance we get, and to honour those who brought the lyrics and music to help us worship and praise Our God.
I was born in the Eastern part of Nigeria (Anambra State) in the family of Nwafor Joseph. Studied at Community High School Nnewi, and by age 19 have finished secondary education. My career interest is in business, but I love arts and always want to improve more in my art works. I'm an experienced pencil artist. I draw nature, flowers, animals and portraits for people (individual, family, groups, company, etc). With my pencils and paper, I also draw/bring any kinds of imagination, dreams or thoughts of peoples mind into reality. I have not published as yet but I love to receive commissions through my Facebook page. The Published Works page under Resources provides further information, Item “12 Ebuka Creations”
Anne Hamilton is a former Mathematics teacher, multi-award winning author. Her thirty books run the gamut from children's picture books to young-adult fantasy to several devotional theology series drawn from her deep Biblical research and her love of God and God’s Word. If you want books that are light and superficial, you've come to the wrong author. If you want entertainment that will never tax your grey matter, click your back-button now. She loves to make her readers think about themselves and the universe in fresh and profound ways. She doesn't want them to agree with everything she says - her aim is to start a dialogue, and also to create a 'Wow!' moment as she explores traditional interpretations of words, stories and names and exposes the treasures within. She's a numerical literary artist: that is, she is part of a long and venerable tradition of writers who design the structure of their writing using codified mathematical principles. A former President of The Omega Writer, a publisher and editor. For twenty years, Anne was the coordinator of an annual camp for children based around The Chronicles of Narnia. That experience shaped a lot of her thinking about how readers enjoy fantasy, and were an influence her award winning children’s books. She has made an invaluable contribution to Australian and New Zealand Christian writers through her tireless efforts, prayers and vision. See the links to her extensive Facebook page, her blog and the Australian source of her books. Anne lives in Brisbane, Australia.