The Lord is my Shepherd.

I know the thought I have for you. the thought of good and not of evil.
In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He created everything therein. In Him was everything made.

What am I?
Who am I without Him?
What will I be without Him?
What can I do without Him?

I can do all things through the Living Christ WHO strengthens me. He’s my shade,
My joy
My life
My happiness
My love
My Everything

He that dwells in the secret Place of the Most High God shall abide under the Shadow of the Everlasting ALMIGHTY God

Demons bow before Him.
He’s God all by Himself

He’s a mystery

He live forever

He reign Forever

I call Him Everlasting Father,
Fountain of life
Way Maker
True Living God

He’s God all by Himself

Oh Heavenly Papa, please help me to believe, to trust and dwell in You Always


I was born in the Eastern part of Nigeria (Anambra State) in the family of Nwafor Joseph. Studied at Community High School Nnewi, and by age 19 have finished secondary education. My career interest is in business, but I love arts and always want to improve more in my art works. I'm an experienced pencil artist. I draw nature, flowers, animals and portraits for people (individual, family, groups, company, etc). With my pencils and paper, I also draw/bring any kinds of imagination, dreams or thoughts of peoples mind into reality. I have not published as yet but I love to receive commissions through my Facebook page. The Published Works page under Resources provides further information, Item “12 Ebuka Creations”