It happened many years ago, I remember like yesterday.

The sun by the pond was hot that day, so I sought out the shade.

Splashed my face with pond water, I found my favorite tree.

As I laid within the gentle shade, an old man came up to me.

He wore a beard to hide his face, his eyes were soft and warm.

He smiled a silly toothless grin, his cloths ragged and worn.

He staggered twords my favorite tree, silent, he sat down next to me.

His face, his eyes, his actions, never showing hostility.

“Can you hear the voice?” He finally spoke, his voice calming, kind, and free.

“The breeze, set free, to surf the leaves can speak if you believe.”

“So, what does it say?” I inquired, fixed in stare eye to eye.

“Each person hears a voice all their own.” The old man quickly replies.

“O.K. old man whatever, I hear no voice calling to me.”

“You must crave the voice,” He said softly “you must let you soul be free.”

So I closed my eyes, opened ears, and listened closely to the breeze.

Within moments heard soft whispers, humming faintly through the leaves.

I open up my eyes, and to my surprise, still hear the chant.

I strive to understand the words, yet, try as I may I can’t.

“Ahhh, you hear it!” The old man taunted “you hear it call your name?”

“I hear a voice, but it’s far too faint” to the old man I explain.

“You must embrace the song it sings, believe that it’s sincere.”

“Shelter deep with its warmth becoming one with what you hear!”

“The voice will grant you wonders, treasures not to be believed!”

“There is no limit to the miracles, the winds whisper can conceive!”

I closed tight my eyes again, left open soul and heart

Listened still and silent for the winds whisper to start

“Finally! I HEAR IT!” I cried “it’s nearly silent but it’s there!”

“A warm and gentle calling, like Sacred angel speech on air!”

Excited, I turned to face the wise old man, just to find him gone.

Yet, still I hear his soft broken voice chanting the whispers song.

My frantic shocked eyes searched everywhere, the old man just wasn’t there!

“Goodbye my friend I hope you’ve learned” came a friendly whisper riding the hot noon air.


2012, reworked 2019

I was, well, I’ve always said it, a HEATHEN straight up and celebrated! I lied, stole, spat and laughed in the name of Christ, He was a joke to me, a myth, and all these stupid people were running around praising this “Jesus”, pathetic and laughable, (I thought). …… AND NOW … Needless to say I’m still attending the same Church to this day. My poetry has swung dramatically from dark, desolate, and evil, to almost completely God based, with better messages of faith, hope, and love. I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ on April 29th 2018. In the future, I intend to walk with Christ, constantly striving to be the best man I can to His pride. I vow to love the world and all in it and to treat it as such . . . with love. Most of all, I look forward to continuing to learn and bond with the Scriptures, God, Christ, and The Holy Spirit, and share what I discover in hopes of helping another such as myself to find Grace in Jesus Christ. AMEN. [from the Personal Testimony in “Inspired By …”]