My Brother
My Brother, drawn with charcoal and graphite pencils.
Red Thread Poets are thrilled that this drawing of Ebuka’s, is the first art work to be shown on Red Thread Poets as we wish to honour all forms of “His Workmanship” [poiēma], in glorifying our Majestic God:
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 KJV.
Comment: “I understand Ebuka’s brother ‘sooo much loved it’ “. peterwill
Copyright Ebuka Emmanuel Nwafor

I was born in the Eastern part of Nigeria (Anambra State) in the family of Nwafor Joseph. Studied at Community High School Nnewi, and by age 19 have finished secondary education. My career interest is in business, but I love arts and always want to improve more in my art works.
I'm an experienced pencil artist. I draw nature, flowers, animals and portraits for people (individual, family, groups, company, etc). With my pencils and paper, I also draw/bring any kinds of imagination, dreams or thoughts of peoples mind into reality. I have not published as yet but I love to receive commissions through my Facebook page. The Published Works page under Resources provides further information, Item “12 Ebuka Creations”