Published Works & Blogs

Here we present in one place the published works of the poets and songwriters on Red Thread Poets. We have not necessarily read, reviewed or assessesed the appropriateness or suitability of these works for any category of reader, and do not provide an endorsement or comment on the published works on this page:

  1. A RAVEN’S MEAL by Marshall Jones
  2. JESUS THROUGH A POET’S LENS by Peter Venable
  5. THE BOOK OF PSALMS IN RHYME and other books by Brendan Conboy
  6. HOLY WORDS OF GOD by danielofthelions
  7. NEVER ALONE and other books by Ernst Louis
  8. IT’S NOT JUST YOU by Suzanne Newman
  9. INSPIRED BY … by Suzanne Newman and Michael Grgich
  10. KINDRED SPIRITS BY … by Suzanne Newman and Michael Grgich
  12. EBUKA CREATIONS by Ebuka Emmanuel Nwafor


1.  A RAVEN’S MEAL by Marshall Jones

About the Book

A Raven’s Meal is a collection of poetry designed to feed, inspire, and spur conversations that will break chains and allow healing. This platter of poetry is an offering from Marshall Jones which spans many subjects and comes from deep within his heart. Jones is a writer with passion who uses his medium to change the landscape of society. Through his poetic contributions, hopefully someone else’s famine can end and a life can be changed forever.

About the Author

Marshall Jones currently resides in the Redgranite Correctional Institution in Redgranite, Wisconsin. However, his mind has traveled the world and back. He is currently serving two consecutive life sentences without parole, but hopes his story can serve as a testament to others not only in regards to the fruit of poor decisions, but to the power of forgiveness and redemption.

(2019, Paperback, 114 pages)

Purchase here:

About the Book

The Prodigal Son is a biography of Marshall Jones and his now wife Jessica Jones. A MUST READ – AVAILABLE ON AMAZON DECEMBER 29, 2023.

About the Authors

Marshall Jones currently resides in the Fox Lake Correctional Institution in Wisconsin, having just moved to do a Batchelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies, from Redgranite WI. He and Jessica got married on November 1st 2022, while Marshall is still on the ‘inside’. Read this and pray for his early release.

(2023 Paperback, 254 pages)

Purchase here:

2.  JESUS THROUGH A POET’S LENS by Peter Venable

About the Author

The writer has written sacred and secular verse for decades. He has been published in Prairie Messenger, Windhover, The Anglican Theological Review, Ancient Paths, The Christian Communicator, Time of Singing, The Christian Century, and others. He is a member of the Winston Salem Writers. He serves a life sentence, condemned to write verse.

It is available at Amazon or, if you wish, the author will send you a hardcopy; $15.00 enables him to break even. Send him your address in an e-mail at (Key “BOOK” in the subject line) and he will send his address, so you can send in his name (Peter Venable) a cashier’s check, money order, cash, or a personal check made out to MSUMC. He will donate 50% into the Maple Springs Mission account.

Purchase here:

About the book

It is obvious Jesus of Nazareth has inspired millions of people over the past two-thousand millennia. What is not so evident, for those who have not thoroughly read his life and words in the four gospels, is that he often spoke poetically in his native language, Aramaic. His teachings were rich in metaphors, similes, paradoxes, parables, hyperbole, idiom, proverbs, irony, puns, etc1. At times he used meter and rhythm in his spoken language, Aramaic. This author, who has studied and reflected upon Jesus for decades, poetically chronicled Jesus’ life, speech, and impact. Jesus Through A Poet’s Lens views Jesus’ words and life through fresh ideas and images. It highlights philosophical, existential, and Christological themes, inviting the reader to ponder in poetic form enduring challenges of human existence in light of Christian faith.

This poetry book is a series of free-verse poems in four sections. The first traces the author’s life before conversion; the second Jesus’ chronological life; the third addresses his impact on the author’s experiences with clients professionally and inmates while volunteering in a local prison camp and food pantry; and the last section concludes with reflections garnered over the author’s professional and community life. Jesus is presented through a poetical lens with fresh images, new ideas, while respecting the inherent mystery of this remarkable historical figure.

1 See WRITING RESOURCES – Figure of Speech Examples

3.  Dreams of Heaven Anthology (5 books) and
The Night of the White Horse (how to find hope in a dark world)
by Donna Marie

Spokane Creators link to my page on the website:


About the book

This is the book Dreams & Eternity by Donna Marie

About the book

This is the book Dreams & Hope by Donna Marie

About the book

This is the book Dreams & Discovery by Donna Marie

About the book

The Night of the White Horse is based on a true story. Donna Marie lost contact with her biological father growing up. She started writing on Father’s’ Day when she came across some older letters that she received from her dad that he sent to her when she was a young adult. She shares those letters with you along with the trials she faced on her journey in search for love in all the wrong places. She also shares her testimony of how she finally found true love on The Night of the White Horse. What she wants is for you to discover on her journey and yours is that you are loved beyond measure, there is hope and dreams can come true. Take a peak inside and you just might find the hope you have been looking for.

About the Author

Donna Marie describes herself as a daughter of the King, a Princess Warrior. She has overcome many trials in her life with the help of Jesus Christ. She lives in the Inland Pacific Northwest in Washington, USA with her husband, her rescue calico cat and her rescue husky mix puppy dog. Donna enjoys walking her dog, hiking, cycling, reading, snow skiing, and camping.  Of course, she loves writing (with her cat nearby) and reading poetry.  Stay tuned for her next book of poetry coming out soon entitled; “I am the Poem”. 





4.  THE COFFEE AND PRAYER SERIES – Volume 1 Simply Compassion by Doc Dalton

About the book

This is Volume 1 of excerpts from the highly impacting podcast, “The Coffee and Prayer Series” hosted by Doc Dalton, who is known as “The Depressed Poet”.

About the Author

The Depressed Poet comes from many years of suffering from Depression. While in the hospital for this a doctor suggested that I try my hand at poetry and that is where life changed for me. I wrote about things I never really thought of before like God, Jesus, Heaven and so on. I do not consider myself a great or good writer because, I am not. What I am is a man, who stumbles through his words, so he can make it through his days. I also host a podcast called, The Coffee and Prayer Series.   Here is the 14th Episode:—The-Coffee-and-Prayer-Series-er7h4r

  Doc Dalton’s Blog:

5.  The Book of PSALMS in Rhyme – by Brendan Conboy

About the Author

Now, in my latter years, I have returned to the storytelling of my youth, and I love to use all the skills and tools I have gained on my journey of life. I have over 40 years of experience in business and charity development, mainly in in three areas, income generation, communication, and governance. Though I do still offer advice in these areas, my passion is in communication and to communicate creatively and artistically in as many ways possible, but especially in poetry

About the book

This is perhaps the most exciting writing project that I have ever been involved in and it is scheduled to be published in August 30 2021.  As I started listening to God and working on this project, in what is really an incredible partnership, I felt God saying to me, “Everything else that you have done before now, was in preparation for this”.  This means all the Rap songs that I wrote, the previous six books, all the poetry and all of the research, has led to this one book.  All of the Psalms were written to be sung out loud and that really is the best way to read this book, out loud.  I urge you to do that with this book and when you do, something special will happen.  This rhyming translation is accurate and extremely easy to read.  Four main translations that were used as a guide were:  The Passion, NIV UK, Amplified Classic and the Good News Bible.  In addition, at times reference was sought in the original Hebrew, using the Blue Letter Bible. 


You can find The Book of PSALMS in Rhyme at Major Bookstores including Amazon and Goodreads.

In the meantime here is Psalm 16 on YouTube:

Other books by Brendan Conboy:

You can find Brendan’s books on Amazon and Goodreads.

6. HOLY WORDS OF GOD by danielofthelions

Here is the HOLY WORDS OF GOD Subjects page. CLICK HERE:

It’s quite simple really.

After reading the subject The Holy Bible,
you will see that the words were breathed by God Almighty.

Most bookstores are loaded to the gills with books written by Humans.
We are not interested in reading the words of fallen men,
as they mostly Take Away from the Holy words that God has given us.
We are only interested in the words given by God.

So the purpose of these subjects is to give ONLY the words of God.
NO words written by fallen Humans.                                                                            :

In this website, we have around 30 subjects where God gives many
instructions, covering Life, Death, Eternity, Heaven, Hell, and others.
Somebody once said the BIBLE is an acronym for “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”.
Note: This is a work-in-progress. The content following ‘Hell’ will be added shortly – check back in a few weeks, and read more at


7. NEVER ALONE and other books by Ernst Louis

Purchase Ernst’s books at his website here:

About the Author

 I tend to live on the serious side of life. After all, my name means serious; maybe it has something to do with that. Who knows? However, if you ask my wife and our 3 children, they will tell you that I can be just as silly and goofy at times. I am a lover and disciple of Jesus Christ. I enjoy nature, gardening, photography, and lots of coffee. In fact, my favorite cup of coffee comes hot with cream, sprinkled with cinnamon, and no sugar. You should definitely give it a try

About the book

Poetry, faith, photography, and graphic illustrations come together in beautiful harmony to communicate faith nurturing and strengthening messages to all believers seeking to grow their faith, and grow closer to God. In his collection of original poems structured in rhymes, haikus, etc. Ernst Louis passionately seeks to encourage his readers to cultivate an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and to firmly hold on to His promises, especially as the days get harder and darker. Each poem is accompanied with a corresponding scripture to meditate upon daily.

About the book

Vices & Virtues (Poetry of Life) beautifully combines poetry, photography, and illustrations to explore common topics relating to faith, nature, and human behavior. In his collection of original poems structured in rhymes, haikus, senryūs, etc, poet and author Ernst Louis–aims directly at the heart–with the hope to inspire and encourage his readers to treasure and choose virtues over vices. Ernst invites you to join him in this poetic and meditative exploration of common topics, such as; envy, betrayal, gossip, pride, greed, anger, contentment, courage, perseverance, sincerity, joy, patience, gratitude, humility, etc.

About the book

Robert and Rachel had planned to go camping with Grandpa Bert in their backyard. The tent had been pitched and they were set to go. But suddenly it started raining; like, a lot! Needless to say Robert and Rachel were far from being happy campers. They wished and sang away the rain, but it did not not work. Thankfully, Grandpa Bert and Grandma Floriette helped them to see the rain as something never to frown upon, but to welcome and be grateful for. In this–his first children’s book, poet and author Ernst Louis aims to teach kids through poetry and a fun, engaging, educational, creative storytelling–the importance of rain as it relates to life and our existence on planet earth.

About The Book

Life itself is poetry in motion in its purest and truest form. In this beautifully illustrated collection of original poems by poet and children’s book author Ernst Louis, you will most likely find that you can relate. The poems are presented with simplicity and elegance, and cover a variety of issues that pertain to everyday life.


8.  IT’S NOT JUST YOU! – by Suzanne Newman

About the Author

Short bio….”my name is Suzanne Newman and I live in The Midlands in England. I have always liked reading poetry, but only started writing it earnestly in 2018, when The Lord put it upon my heart. I find it cathartic and like to use poetry to share my struggles with the hope of encouraging others in a similar position. I suffer from clinical depression & anxiety & had cancer in 2015/16 & still battle with the effects of that treatment to this day.”

About the Author

If you are currently struggling in any way, then this book of Christian poetry is for you! God never sees you as un-loveable, even if that’s how you feel about yourself at times.
I am sharing these deeply personal poems as a reminder that it’s not just you who often feels that life is hard! Others feel the same way & are experiencing similar challenges world-wide.
However, our comfort & strength in such circumstances is The Lord, who promises he is always near & will never leave us.
These poems include topics such as cancer, Senile Dementia, depression, Satan’s meddling, testing of our faith & our Spiritual goal.
My hope is that you will identify with them & be encouraged & reassured in your faith by reading them. Thank-you & remember that GOD LOVES YOU…ALWAYS!

9.  INSPIRED BY … – by Suzanne Newman and Michael Grgich

About the Book

This book is a poetic journey through some of the main points of the Bible and has been written by two born-again Christians. It explains God’s word in a respectful and unique poetic way, making the stories easy to understand and fun to read whilst always remaining true to Scripture. It has reference points throughout to encourage readers to explore the Bible stories for themselves whilst taking a journey right from creation through to Revelation. Suitable for people from twelve years old right through to old age, this book is written in such a way that it will both inform and educate a novice but also satisfy someone who has been a Christian for many years. All glory to our awesome Lord.

About The Authors – Personal Testimonies – from the book


Suzanne Newman

To be honest, I’m not sure where to start with this! Do I include my life’s history, details of childhood etc.? I do have to be aware of family members who will read this and don’t really feel the need to let the entire world know every single thing about me. So, all that being said, I plan to keep this fairly brief! I was brought up in a household where God wasn’t really talked about, although we did celebrate Christmas. The Lord’s name was regularly used as a swear-word and on the rare occasion prayer was mentioned, I was given the impression that it was to ask for something—a bit like a Christmas list for Santa! My Grandad was an atheist most of his life, but my Nan was a believer and went to chapel every Sunday. She was a private lady and never really discussed her faith with me. I didn’t go to school with anyone who had a strong religious conviction and didn’t know any neighbours that went to church/synagogue/mosque etc. Due to all this, serious thoughts of God never really entered my head until I was in my late-teens, but looking back I always felt He was there—I never thought He DIDN’T exist, I just didn’t think much about His existence, or what His role was and what He meant to my life personally. When I was 18 years old, I suddenly felt like there was a huge hole inside of me. I didn’t know what it could be, but quickly worked-out that it was a Spiritual need of some sort. I spent the next 18 months speaking to work colleagues and anyone else I could about their religious beliefs, in order to find the “right” religion for me to commit to. But, to my confusion and panic, I soon discovered that none of them felt right! Then, a new lady started work at our place and she explained to me that she was a “born-again Christian”. She told me what that meant and precisely what she believed in. Everything suddenly clicked into place inside of me and I knew without a single doubt that this was what I had been searching for, or rather, what God had been calling me to and I just hadn’t realized! To me, this wasn’t a “religion” as such, but rather a way of life, led by a belief in the triune God and being saved through trust and faith in The Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah. This lady and her husband spent many evenings talking with me about their beliefs, answering my questions etc. Then one evening, a group of us had gone out for a meal and it ended up with me back at her house at 3a.m., kneeling on the floor in tears of repentance and happiness as I professed my faith in Jesus Christ in prayer and asked Him to come into my life. I didn’t think He would, because why would he want ME? But to my amazement, relief and sheer joy He graciously accepted my contrite heart and sent The Holy Spirit to wash over me like a warm flood from top to toe! I left my friend’s house at 6a.m. a grateful and changed person—clean, re-born, renewed, indestructible, no longer part of or afraid of this mortal world, and filled with the joy that can only come from knowing you are saved by The Lord. I wanted to shout it from the roof tops and tell the world how great God is . . . . .  .and I still do!


Michael Grgich

I was, well, I’ve always said it, a HEATHEN straight up and celebrated! I lied, stole, spat and laughed in the name of Christ, He was a joke to me, a myth, and all these stupid people were running around praising this “Jesus”, pathetic and laughable, (I thought). I was God to me, no other controlled or touched me, and would argue with all my strength that truth. My morals were there, I mean I didn’t go outta my way to treat people badly or anything, but I was also selfishly headstrong with a “Mike first” attitude. I have done ALOT of things I won’t detail and am far from proud of, things that have not only been wrong but also hurt a great many people. And to prove my Heathen faith at the times of the events, I didn’t care—didn’t care who got in the way, or who got hurt . . . friends, family, I just didn’t feel remorse at all. Again, I was God of my world and God was pleased! Over time as one would expect, my religious structure (or lack there of it) broke down—Surprise right?! Every aspect of my life, my job, my house, my kids, my health, my relationship, LITERALLY EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE OVER THE COURSE OF A YEAR BEGAN RAPIDLY DECAYING. Anger, Fear, depression, misery, emptiness, confusion, hopeless, are a few of the adjectives I would use to describe my emotional state. So, what do you do? Well, I picked up a gun . . . fingered it, hugged it, stared at it, thought of my partner, the kids, dad, sis, etc, etc . . . Then phone rang. I looked down and see its Rick Stockman, a childhood BFF of mine I have not seen since I was 10 years old and who I’d talked to maybe two times in 38+ years! He told me he just wanted to see how I was doing, he felt he should call. Oh, did I mention, also, Rick just happens to be a pastor? And that night he introduced me to someone that from that night forward I knew would change my life . . . Enter Jesus Christ . . . Thank you Savior for allowing me back into your Grace, I will forever live for you, because you lived and died for me! That night I dumped on Rick and he posted and took it like a champ, but what really moved me (aside from a random 12am phone call from a childhood BFF pastor as I’m loving on a gun), was that as I dumped a trial on him, he quoted me right back a scripture verse that eased the pain, over and over he did this, until I set the gun down, and hung up to go to sleep . . . Rick never knew I was holding the gun. The next month or so was confession for me, after “the event” and after speaking with Rick I knew there was more to this, a deeper touch, and I felt what I can only describe as a warming, deep in my heart, a calm, a comfort. I found myself craving it more, like a drug, but after a life opposing Him, I didn’t know how to find Him. So I teased it gently out there that I might be interested in maybe, perhaps, kinda learning a tiny shred about Him . . . Enter Tambria Roth Carter and Randy Carter . . . Tami (Tambria) was the victim of a pretty horrific home improvement accident and had the misfortune of being a tenant at our Hospital for quite a long time and through our working relationship we became Facebook friends. This was the way Tami approached me (on Facebook) asking me to attend church with her and Randy. After several excuses from me why I couldn’t, and (thank God) their persistence, and care for my soul . . . I agreed! That first service . . . I met HIM. Emotions and feeling swelled in me I have never seen and did not know existed . . . I felt the entire time that the church was empty and the pastor was speaking directly and only to me and I understood the message! That night I took home my complimentary Bible and started the Bible in 40 days beginner readings. I read it in 10 days and craved more. In my life outside of Christ’s book I saw change, not so much with the actual trials I was dealing with, however, in my acceptance of things, how I dealt with things, reacted to things, viewed things, all calmed. It changed from anger to patience, and my view of ALL others where once was dark and dismal hatred, now was a warm glowing love. Not only could I see this change in myself, but others close to me saw it as well. Jesus had touched me, I felt His love, how could I turn back now? AND NOW . . . Needless to say I’m still attending the same Church to this day. My poetry has swung dramatically from dark, desolate, and evil, to almost completely God based, with better messages of faith, hope, and love. I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ on April 29th 2018. In the future, I intend to walk with Christ, constantly striving to be the best man I can to His pride. I vow to love the world and all in it and to treat it as such . . . with love. Most of all, I look forward to continuing to learn and bond with the Scriptures, God, Christ, and The Holy Spirit, and share what I discover in hopes of helping another such as myself to find Grace in Jesus Christ. AMEN.


10. KINDRED SPIRITS … by Suzanne Newman and Michael Grgich

THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE OUR BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE TO BUY ON AMAZON! (as well as many other on-line retailers worldwide)
An anthology of Christian poetry with a twist, which is what Michael Grgich and I are known for, plus over 20 original images by the artist Debra Whelan, made especially for this book, including the front cover itself.
64 poems, plus 2 collabs, as well as our personal testimonies. We hope to encourage others by sharing a glimpse into how The Lord has helped us through the difficult times in our lives so far. We’re confident there’s something in this book for everyone to enjoy, identify with and reflect upon.


About the book

From the Foreward by Susan Stein: Migs has changed my life forever, and he will change yours too. He doesn’t say what the Lord’s words mean. He lets you learn from God’s Words themselves, letting the Lord teach you by reading it in proper context as God intended. Migs opened my eyes to science, politics, and religion like nobody else could, coming from a political and religious upbringing. I thought I believed, yet I was fooling myself. After reading this book, you learn to believe the Lord, not Migs. This book, Mysteries Revealed, will change your life and your faith forever and ever. Every Christian, Jew, or atheist would benefit from his writings. You will be mightily blessed and never regret it. It is not just that Migs is the smartest man I know, but he will show you who is the most amazing writer ever; Jesus Christ is LORD! If your life was at stake, you need to read this book.

About the Author

Indiana Migs: Who better to learn from? This is why you need this book to wake you up. Even Jesus gave reproof and correction to seven different denominations in the Book of Revelation and why Migs decided to finally release this amazing book. Donna Maxon gave him the persuasion in 2010, and many other friends—Ken Griffey Jr., John Belcher, Michael Dailey Sr., Gary Gideon, Michelle Halloran, Andrea Brewer—and FAMILY is always what makes Migs get things done. See Migs’ Bio and Songs:

MYSTERIES REVEALED available at major international booksellers.

12. EBUKA CREATIONS … by Ebuka Emmanuel Nwafor

About the Creations

I’m an experienced pencil artist. I draw nature, flowers, animals and portraits for people (individual, family, groups, company, etc). With my pencils and paper, I also draw/bring any kinds of imagination, dreams or thoughts of peoples mind into reality. Price for commissioning of portrait or drawings, differs based on what you want me to create/draw for you..

I make delivery to any part of the world/earth… Delivery/Shipping is free!!!

About the Artist

The Love of beauty is taste, but the Creation of beauty is Art.

I love to create beauty with the knowledge and talent God gave me. Even when I know sometimes, some things only exist by imagination and dreams, but with the Knowledge, Empowerment and Help from God to me, am able to create and bring those dreams to reality (draw them) just like the case of Daniel in Babylon (Daniel 1:28-30).

I can do/create all things through Christ who strengthens me.!!!!

I live in Nnewi, Nigeria. CONTACT: