Based on Acts Chapter 6:8 to Chapter 8


Now Stephen, amongst the people, performed many wonderous acts and signs,

For he truly was a Godly man and gifted with Grace and power so divine,

But opposition did arise from both the Synagogue and The Freedmen—

Jews from all sorts of provinces—who all started to argue with Stephen.

But they found they could not stand against the wisdom that he spoke,

For The Spirit gave him every word and they couldn’t disagree or provoke,

So, then they stirred up people and persuaded several men to say,

That Stephen had been blasphemous against God and Moses in a verbal way.


They brought him to the Sanhedrin where the false witnesses then testified,

But when they looked close at Stephen, his face was like angel, deep inside.

The high priest did ask Stephen if all these charges brought were true,

Stephen gave Scriptural replies and ranted at them with his righteous view!

He scolded, said they’d disobeyed God’s law that they’d received,

Which was given through the angels, but they were arrogant and disbelieved.


The Sanhedrin members gnashed their teeth and flew into a furious rage,

But Stephen looked to Heaven, towards his God with hopeful praise,

And Stephen saw God’s Glory and standing there at God’s right hand,

Was Jesus Christ, in righteousness, The mighty Son of God and Man.

But the Sanhedrin would not listen to the witness Stephen cried,

So, they rushed at him, all yelling, dragged him off to stone him right outside,

And as the rocks began to hail, Stephen, fell down and began to pray,

He knew his end was imminent, but was an unashamed martyr that day;

Down on his knees, Stephen cried out to God to forgive them of their sin,

And after this, he breathed his last; Heaven’s gates and The Lord gladly welcomed him in.


Someone watching these events unfold and approving of it all,

Seeing everything first-hand and watching closely, was a man called Saul.


Written by Michael Grgich (MAG) & Suzanne Newman.

See link:

Michael Grgich Founder in 2015 of FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE, a Facebook Poetry Group, and Suzanne Newman also an ‘Admin’ in the group since 2017, have collaborated in joint projects for a number of years. The have jointly published “Inspired By…” a poetic journey through some of the main points of the Bible, and additional poetic works. Here is a sample. See Published Works on our Resources page for more about their first book “Inspired By…”. We understand there is a second book in the works called “Kindred Spirits”