I never took a photo of us down by the lake, but here’s where we sat, Friday mornings. It’s getting cooler now, soon we would have been heading into the workshop starting the cool autumn mornings.

The Weave

Remembering Ken Weaver, my dearest friend, and our gathering every Friday morning at 9:15am.

April 15, 2021

Ina called today

I didn’t take the call

When I got home, I got the news

The Weave is standing tall


Tall is how we’ll be

When standing with the Lord

The Weave and Wilson Carlile

See how they are adored


The Weave has left a legacy

It’s hint so long ago

The day the Weavers path was set

Church Army don’t you know


That’s where Ken and Ina met

Back then in the UK

The Northern Irish beauty

And Ken of Scouser sway


Ken’s love of his family

Oozed out from every pore

From great grand-son and everyone

The key word was adore


But that covid intervened

In last Saturday’s family wedding

It might just have been the clue

To where The Weave was heading


That the Lord is so gracious 

He kept Ken back just for that

But then we have the irony

In hospital Ken got the covid splat


In the past week or so

When I last prayed for Ken

I asked the Lord 

What shall I pray for him?


I knew by then Ken’s wish

‘I want no ICU’

So when the Lord said pray

for that, that’s what I had to do


I didn’t know back then

That’s a few days ago

That Ken would see the Lord

How in heaven would I know?


So I asked the Lord just now

What was with the ICU?

His reply was quick and clear



That explains what Ina said

When she called when I was out

Ken really wanted to go Home

No patience, without doubt!


I’ve known The Weave for seven years

We met him on The Boyers

Down by the lake walking our Greys

Who are our real employers


He led me to The Gifto

When I had no one to see,

A dentist then Tim Hortons

For coffee regularly


Then came the blinking covid

So we coffee’d by the lake

Then in winter in the workshop

And Our Lord never opaque


Our hearts would bond in wonder

As we mulled on Creations gifts

We bless you Ken in Heaven

But down here you will be missed



Each time I read this wee poem

It makes me want to weep

Not for Ken’s family or myself

But the Lord’s Love and His Keep


He has this Precious Keep

In which we all are sown

And when we love Him as is His Wont

That’s what gets the tears a’flowin


  1. The Gifto isn’t a dentist
  2. Nor is Tim Horton, who was a Toronto Maple Leaf, ice hockey player who started a coffee and donut shop called Tim Hortons, in Hamilton, Ontario on May 17, 1964. Tim Hortons, is Canada’s most beloved restaurant chain. Today with close to 5.000 restaurants in 14 countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Horton
  3. Ken and Ina, great Church army friends of Josephine and Darrin Gaudreau. https://www.redthreadpoets.com/category/100-poets/josephine-100-poets/
  4. Wilson Carlile founder of the Church Army.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_Carlile
Born in Scotland, lived in England, undeservedly married to Veronica, living in Canada. We have three daughters with wonderful families. An accountant by training, but a career mostly in Canada in varied business environments. After revelation about Our Triune God's Covenant and then retiring in 2014, I started writing poetry to try to understand the source of my childhood confusion and struggles since. The Lord's constant encouragement and love keeps drawing me to express my appreciation.