Today’s the day
There’s no putting off
There’s no going back
All bridges are crossed
A one-way ticket to
The rest of your life
How can this be you asked
And where have the years gone
It seems like only yesterday
I boarded this train
Fresh out of uni
A new graduate
Ready for the dawn of what was to come
A lot of water under the bridge you say
So many projects, people and places
If I could return
I’d do it all differently
Well no – not all of it
Just big chunks
But who’s to know
I’d be such a fool
Careless with things, people and life
So here I am
Today’s the day
Some call it retirement
I call it a time when I
Gather around me
All that I know
As I stand
At yet another dawn
Older, wiser, seasoned
Along the way
I’ve learned to be more careful
Of life, people and places
I’ve learned to be grateful
I’ve still got a ticket to
The rest of my life
Not all do
So I look ahead
Not behind
Gather my courage along with my bags
For sunset and sunrise
Are one and the same