What name shall we know him by

Moses was summoned by God with this news

To Pharaoh his mission to free the Hebrews 

trembling feet on holy ground

Tongue tied and frightened he uttered this sound

What name shall I say sent me forth on this task

Those stiff necks in Egypt will be bound to ask

I AM WHO I AM came the voice from the Bush

A name since revered and spoken in Hush


Yahweh, “He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists”,

Translated from Hebrew to our tongue consists.


The Son when he walked upon earth used this term

Read the gospel of John for the I Am’s and Learn

In Chapter 6 after they all had been fed

He mentioned full stomachs, not his kind of bread

Follow me put aside worldly strife 

And he told them, “ I AM, the bread of Life.”

Whoever hungers for the things of today 

Will find that these pleasures all lead to decay


Only through him can hunger be sated

So follow him now let your heart be persuaded.


“The Light of the world I AM” said he

When faced by accusing Pharisee 

His life is the light for all mankind 

Though persecuted and maligned 

The blackness of sin tries to outwit

But the darkness has not overcome it.

The Jews tried to trick him in chapter eight

Their hearts filled with envy, malice and hate


His father was not Abraham

Before Abraham was, he said “I AM”


In chapter 10 as words unfold

He tells of his wonderful safety fold

“I AM, the gate” for those who choose.

The fear of death and hell will lose

“I AM, the good shepherd” and my sheep follow me

He expounded to the Pharisees 

I know my sheep and they know me

True believers find peace in my sanctuary 


Disciples may find this life somewhat testing

But the prize is joy, peace and love everlasting 


When news of a dear friends illness came known 

He hastened to be with him in that town

Too late came the wails of Martha and Mary

Could have become Lazarus obituary

“I AM the resurrection and the life” he did cry

He that believes in me will live, though he may die

He that lives by believing in me 

True death for him he shall not see


Take time to read this in chapter eleven

of the one who’ll lead his own to heaven.


He knew he soon must die on the cross

And he taught his disciples that all was not lost

I go to prepare a place for you

That where I am there’s a place for you too.

“I AM the way the truth and the life”

Your job is to tell every man and his wife

Don’t be downhearted said in chapter fourteen

For my spirit I’ll give you for all to be seen


I must return to the father who sent me

But I promise that Orphans you will never be.


His last analogy said at that time

Was the statement “I AM the true vine”.

His followers? well, they are the branches 

Stay joined to him through all circumstances 

His father the gardener may prune us to suit

But only to strengthen the harvest of fruit

Stay connected to Jesus throughout time on earth

Win souls for his body with all that you’re worth 


His own he will nurture with love when he gleans

Read all about this in chapter fifteen


And so as we know Jesus died on the cross

For the sins of mankind had put us at loss

His death was atonement for all of our sin

No greater love can be found than in him

Hallelujah! he’s risen upon the third day

He’s not in that dark cold tomb where in lay.

And the good news we know from John chapter three

Is salvation is ready for you and for me 


What must we do? Well he said straight and plain

Believe in him, follow and be Born Again!


For he was the one Prophets of Old

Of his birth, life and death these things were foretold 

Immanuel, God with us he was named

In Isaiah by virgin birth that he proclaimed

Bethlehem would this miracle see

A Nazarene born to shed light round Galilee

What name shall we call him when that day is nigh

When he gathers his own flock high up in the sky


I know when I see him, I’ll fall down at his feet

Saviour, Redeemer, my Master I’ll weep.


Comment by Suzanne Newman:

Absolutely LOVE David’s poem! I have a love of the “I AM” statements anyway, but this poem was just fabulous. Last 2 lines were powerful in particular. I have often written about weeping for joy at meeting Jesus. ???

February 5, 2021

I’m a 74 year old retired engineer who lives in County Down N. Ireland. I’m now a widower since 2018. I have two children and three grandchildren who all live in the same area. My poetry experience started when I realised I had a knack for amusing rhyming verses regarding people in the office etc. I was then in demand for retirement poems and wedding receptions. I was raised in a Christian home and came to faith at a young age. Like a lot of young folk I was tempted by worldly things. Although during this time I never forgot my commitment and prayed for forgiveness and read my bible when I could. During my wife’s long illness I determined to commit myself fully once more and I started to attend church services again. I have recently attempted to try and write poems that could help others in their faith although I’m far from prolific. My style is still simplistic and generally rhyming.